Blue, named after her personality and dyed hair, is a lonely young girl. She struggles as an only child in a society that doesn't understand her. She meets an unexpected friend from inside her closet and they travel to an unknown world. But along the way, Blue becomes uncertain of her new friend.
The Blue character puppet is made out of wire, epoxy resin, clay, wool, fabric, and liquid rubber, among other materials. I enjoy the process of fabrication and how it can be so meditational. Fabrication is always so rewarding because at the end of a project, imagination becomes reality and concepts are alive.
The filming process is where it gets really magical. Something about stop motion animation feels so much more natural to me than traditional 2D animation. Even though it's crazy that this thing made up of a bunch of found objects and wire instinctively wants to move and be alive. Using DragonFrame, I created a short film to test the puppet's functionality.
Blue Clip